After being rescued in the sea, thousands of migrants are left in uncertainty as they attempt to get settled in Europe. In addition to the physical and psychological obstacles ahead of them, they must also confront the visceral and traumatic journey they have left behind.
In the shadow of the French-Italian border, violence and disillusionment confront those who have Fled war, slavery, and destitution.
About Ventimiglia:
About Our film:
The Borders of Paradise centres on the southern French-Italian border. In a region known for its glamour and excess exists one of Europes worst humanitarian hotspots.
Ventimiglia is the final Italian town before the French border and is where 30,000 asylum seekers annually arrive in attempt to enter the rest of Europe. Ventimiglia is located in the Italian province of Imperia and holds a population of around 24,000 residents. In recent years, the town has elected local governments that have attempted to remove asylum seekers from their streets, and blame the militarization of the French border for the their presence. Ventimiglia is also the home of many civic organizations that seek to improve the conditions that asylum seekers face.
In the greater history of Ventimiglia, the story of migration appears frequently. In the 1930s, Jewish families fled fascist Italy using Ventimiglia’s trails. The war in former Yugoslavia saw thousands move through the French-Italian border, and the Kosovo war in 1998 saw the EU accept just as many asylum seekers as in 2015. Local activists attribute contemporary resentment of migrants to racial prejudices and the reemergence of popular nationalist sentiment.
The Borders of Paradise is an intimate dive into Ventimiglia. Our storytelling captures physical and psychological experiences which characterize border violence in Western Europe. The film embraces emotional and political complexities; challenging preconceptions and the unsustainable status quo.
This documentary concerns the migrants, various non-profit organizations, border police, politicians, and locals of the area. The film will be human, sensitive, and comprehensive. It provides a focussed snapshot through which to examine the larger issue of migration into, and across the European continent. In light of rising displacement, and increasing resentment of irregular migrants from non-European countries, the subject of this documentary is more relevant as ever.
Our post production is nearly complete! Testimonies have been translated thanks to amazing collaborators in Sudan and Syria. We are working on the score of documentary and expect to premier in Fall 2023.
With thanks to you, our post-production fundraiser was an incredible success; raising $3,435! As a team we are beyond grateful for all the support shown and inspired to honour the belief in this project.
If you missed our crowdsourcing campaign but would still like to make a donation to the project, you can contact Fraser at Thank you!
We found a name for the documentary “The Borders of Paradise” ! Now, we are starting to submit to film festivals and are organizing screenings within academic environments. Our goal is to get this documentary in front of as many eyes as possible. If you would like to organize a screening of The Borders of Paradise at your event, please contact us!
June 2022
Start of principal photography in Ventimiglia, Italy
August 2022
Completion of principal photography in Ventimiglia, Italy
January 2023
Additional photography in Utrecht, Netherlands & Menton, France
July 2023
Additional photography aboard the Geo Barents in the Central Mediterranean Sea
Winter 2023/24
Premiere and start of distribution of The Borders of Paradise