Ethical considerations to our filmmaking process:
We recognize the power that we hold in relation to the subjects of our documentary, as filmmakers, holders of powerful passports, as well as other factors. Our team made concerted efforts to avoid exploitative practices and outcomes during our production; an approach we aim to continue through post-production and the eventual release of 20 Miles More.
We ensured that any individuals who participated as subjects of the documentary, who agreed to be filmed, understood the aim and potential reach of the documentary. We have release forms for many participants, and recorded verbal consent from others. Despite members of our team being engaged in humanitarian efforts in Ventimiglia for the year before our production, we remained reserved to introduce the film camera until after a week into our production - which began in June 2022. We wanted to build lasting trust and make our filmmaking goals clear. The undeniable vulnerability of the circumstances the migrants find themselves in justify any apprehension towards the self-imposition of outsiders; carrying a camera; and asking personal questions. There were a lot of events we did not film, some because we were asked not to.
The documentary, in its finished form, will prioritize the accuracy and honesty of its storytelling. Recorded events will not be manipulated to construct inaccurate narratives or synthetic drama, and we will seek to honor the truth behind the stories told to us. This will be of particular consideration when making the necessary choices of selecting which footage to use, and other decisions during the editing process.